


Our Lady Peace/A Decade

◎主唱Raine Maida與太太香岱兒(Chantal Kreviazuk)已是歌壇當紅製作組合,作品包括艾薇兒、凱莉克萊森、The Veronicas等
◎收錄搶下全美流行單曲榜Top9+現代搖滾榜Top7+加拿大單曲亞軍的〈Somewhere Out There〉等16首暢銷單曲及〈Kiss On The Mouth〉、〈Better Than Here〉兩首未發表新曲

一組來自加拿大的搖滾兵團,衝破流行防線成為銷售保證主打牌,成功打入美國市場並且讓許多樂迷誤以為他們就是組道地美國樂團,同時站上國際音樂舞台再添加拿大音樂史光輝紀錄,Our Lady Peace(簡稱OLP)成功銜接90年代中期自美國開始蔓延起的Post-Grunge音韻,締造全球五百萬張銷售量與四座加拿大音樂最高榮譽的朱諾獎、六座MuchMusic音樂獎嘉冕。

早在1992年仍在多倫多大學唸書的主唱Raine Maida與吉他手Mike Turner,搖滾樂對於他倆有著強烈吸引力,一拍即合的正式組織起OLP。接著陸續加入貝斯手Chris Eacrett與打擊爵士鼓的Jeremy Taggart,在1995年順利發行首張專輯《Naveed》,奠定一群死忠樂迷追隨,Duncan Coutts取代出走的貝斯手Chris於1997年祭出《Clumsy》,光在美國就已銷售突破百萬,加拿大更是贏得百萬鑽石級唱片榮譽。1999年專輯『Happiness…Is Not A Fish That You Can Catch』推出,掀起這組加拿大兵團在美國搖滾界更為狂大之波瀾,連續在1999、2000年獲得樂迷票選「最受歡迎團體」、「最受歡迎音樂錄影帶」等殊榮。第四張專輯《Spiritual Machines》的問世,在短短一個月內便拿到白金唱片。換上新吉他手Steve Mazur入替推出《Gravity》,不僅空降全美專輯榜Top9,更輕鬆摘下百萬銷售量。第六張錄音室作品《Healthy In Paranoid Times》仍穩固OLP在樂壇的氣勢。

正式邁入第11個年頭之際,OLP挑選出道至今最能代表各時期之暢銷作品精選特輯《A Decade》,包括:早期較為粗暴Grunge氣息並首次登上全美現代搖滾Top10+主流搖滾Top7〈Starseed〉、〈Naveed〉;引起加拿大樂迷瘋狂著迷之重點作品〈Superman’s Dead〉,此單曲更精心製作出三個版本MV供各地播放;在如同The Smashing Pumpkins主唱Billy Corgan渲染力十足嗓音的Raine引導下,〈Clumsy〉成為全球矚目焦點並受到空前之勝利,同名專輯一舉奪下冠軍寶座;深受樂迷推崇歡迎的抒情動人小品〈4 A.M.〉;相當感人的溫馨之作〈Thief〉,敘述一位得到腦部腫瘤患者Mina Kim的故事,尾聲部分還可聽到Raine的嬌妻Chantal Kreviazuk彈著鋼琴與Mina演唱片段;搶下全美流行單曲榜Top9+現代搖滾榜Top7+加拿大單曲亞軍的〈Somewhere Out There〉,奠下OLP於全球年輕搖滾迷們新偶像的定位;《Healthy In Paranoid Times》專輯中仍開出亮眼佳績的〈Where Are You〉與〈Angels/Losing/Sleep〉…等作品,另外加收兩首〈Kiss On The Mouth〉以及〈Better Than Here〉未曾發表的超值曲。

4.Superman's Dead
7.One Man Army
8.Is Anybody Home?
10.In Repair
12.Somewhere Out There
14.Where Are You
16.Will the Future Blame Us
17.Kiss on the Mouth [#]
18.Better Than Here [#][Demo Version]


Our Lady Peace - Angels/Losing/Sleep

Looks like the holy ghost is gone
Now you're afraid of yourself
Over your shoulder you have to watch
Heaven fall into hell
Looks like your boat's about to sink
So it's time to prepare
Even the angels are losing sleep
And the sidewalks are bare

It's like the calm before the storm
You better swim
Just like it's cold before it's warm
You'll get back here again
And I'll wait I'll wait I'll wait I'll wait
I'll wait I'll wait I'll wait I'll wait
I'll wait I'll wait till you fall from grace
It's the calm before the storm
It's there then it's gone

Oh, it looks like the war was in your head
Not your heart
Just when you think it's figured out
Well it all falls apart

It's like the calm before the storm
You better swim
Just like it's cold before it's warm
You'll get back here again
And I'll wait I'll wait I'll wait I'll wait
I'll wait I'll wait I'll wait I'll wait
I'll wait I'll wait till you fall from grace
It's the calm before the storm
It's there then it's gone

Looks like the holy ghost is gone
Looks like the holy ghost is gone
Looks like the war was in your head
Looks like the war was in your head
War was in your head

I'll wait I'll wait I'll wait I'll wait
I'll wait I'll wait I'll wait I'll wait
I'll wait I'll wait till you fall from grace
It's the calm before the storm

I'll wait I'll wait I'll wait I'll wait
I'll wait I'll wait I'll wait I'll wait
I'll wait I'll wait till you fall from grace
Its the calm before the storm
Its there then its - gone


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