
Switchfoot - Oh! Gravity
浪行者 - 地心引力

◎美國聖地牙哥融合流行、現代搖滾、福音等樂風之另類搖滾樂團繼全美季軍專輯《Nothing Is Sound》後2006跨年最新專輯
◎U2、Coldplay、The Cure、Pearl Jam等樂團幕後製作人合力操盤,同名單曲挺進現代搖滾榜

遊走在流行、現代搖滾、福音等領域,雖同來自聖地牙哥重裝搖滾部隊P.O.D.(花錢找死樂團)隸屬CCM(Contemporary Christian Music)「當代基督音樂」範疇中,但是Switchfoot並無呈現怒罵般激進語詞,造成基督徒封殺對象,反以清新形象獲得大批搖滾迷們擁護,更跨入流行界成為搖滾新寵。

  兄弟檔的主唱/吉他手Jonathan與貝斯手Tim Forman,加上鼓手Chad Butler等三位熱血戰將,在1997年於獨立廠牌發行首張專輯《The Legend Of Chin》,建立起些許知名度。1999年第二張《New Way To Be Human》作品發表,獲得Dove音樂獎「年度最佳單曲」。添加第四名團員鍵盤手Jermoe Fontamillas,轉換跑道於2000年問世的《Learning To Breathe》,終獲主流大廠注意,加入哥倫比亞音樂集團,2003年推出《The Beautiful Letdown》,搭配賣座冠軍電影「蜘蛛人2」主題曲〈Meant To Live〉(搖滾榜Top5+流行單曲榜Top18+成人抒情榜亞軍),推波助瀾,交出兩百萬張銷售佳績,專輯更榮膺2003年聖地牙哥音樂獎「年度最佳專輯」、「年度流行專輯」等獎項嘉勉。2005年《Nothing Is Sound》問世,為了更豐富的音樂內涵,團員再加一名吉他手Andrew Shirley,並空降流行專輯榜季軍+網路專輯榜冠軍。

Switchfoot迅速在2006年交出全新大碟《Oh!Gravity》,請到老牌製作大師Steve Lillywhite(U2、Coldplay)、Tim Palmer(The Cure、Pearl Jam)與Switchfoot各團員共通掌舵。首支挺進現代搖滾榜Top36的同名單曲〈Oh!Gravity〉,流暢吉他搖滾音線,搭上朗朗上口副歌部分,美式爽勁外放Post Grunge調調一傾而出,這股力道完全延伸於〈American Dream〉之中;轉為些許南方藍調搖滾作前引的〈Dirty Second Hands〉,卻不斷加壓強力吉他雙飆入,重力加速度的完全挑起聆聽者之情緒;活力十足且一氣喝成的〈Awakening〉以及〈Amateur Lovers〉,組合出更為順耳頻率,Jonathan收放自若的嗓音毫無保留狂放搭腔;多首快版搖滾曲目後,聽聽推薦舒緩小品〈Yesterdays〉,頗令人再三回味。Switchfoot解放搖滾沉重吵雜包袱,在仍具力道與撼動人心節奏包裹下,更替出最鼓舞人心且正面的搖滾魅力。

1.Oh! Gravity
2.American Dream
3.Dirty Second Hands
6.Amateur Lovers
7.Faust, Midas, And Myself
8.Head Over Heels (In This Life)
10.Burn Out Bright
12.Let Your Love Be Strong


Switchfoot - Oh! Gravity

There’s a fracture
In the colored ball
In the back seat
Of the parked car

By the liquor store
Where the street light
Keep a company
To the next night

In the same town
There’s the same scar
And the same glow
Of the liquor store

By the freeway
Where the headlight
Keep a company
To the next night

Oh! Gravity
Why can’t we seem to keep it together?
Sons of my enemies
Why can’t we seem to keep it together?

In the back room
Of the Pentagon
There’s a thin man
With a red jaw

With a red jaw
And a red bike
Watching him ride
On the next night

Oh! Gravity
Why can’t we seem to keep it together?
Sons of my enemies
Why can’t we seem to keep it together?
Why this tragedy?
Why can’t we seem to keep it together?
Oh! Gravity
Why can’t we seem to pull it together?

In the fall-off, the fall-off
We found out the hype won’t get you through
We’re connected, connected, I meant it
The hype won’t get you through

Oh! Gravity
Why can’t we seem to keep it together?
Oh! Gravity
Why can’t we seem to pull it together?
Why this tragedy?
Why can’t we seem to keep it together?
Oh! Gravity
Why can’t we seem to pull it together now?

La la la la la la…

Let’s pull it together

Oh! Gravity
Why can’t we seem to keep it together…

Oh! Gravity

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