
接下來要介紹給大家的是來自美國田納西州的Christian Rock團體Skillet~
可能有些人看到Christian Rock就覺得他們是唱福音那類的歌曲~
Christian Rock(福音搖滾)這種搖滾音樂類別是特指由信基督教的團員所組的搖滾團體~

初期是以John Cooper(主唱兼貝斯), Trey McClurkin(鼓), Ken Steorts(吉他)三人團體出發~
後來歷經了兩次樂團改組成為目前John Cooper(主唱兼貝斯), Korey Cooper(鍵盤~合音同時也是John的妻子), Lori Peters (女鼓手), Ben Kasica(吉他)~
而他們2003年在主流廠牌的首張專輯"Collide"則是讓他們提名當年葛萊美獎的Best Rock Gospel Album(最佳搖滾福音專輯)~

我注意到他們就是因為現在要介紹給大家的這一首新歌"The Older I Get"~


現在就讓大家聽這首最近我在自己的網路電台強打的"The Older I Get"~


Skillet - The Older I Get

The walls between you and I
Always pushing us apart
Nothing left but scars fight after fight
The space between our calm and rage
Started growing shorter,
Disappearing slowly day after day

I was sitting there waiting in my room for you
You were waiting for me too
And it makes me wonder

The older I get
Will I get over it?
It's been way too long for the times we missed
I didn't know then it would hurt like this but I think
The older I get
Maybe I'll get over it
It's been way too long for the times we missed
I can't believe it still hurts like this

The time between those cutting words
Built up our defenses
Never made no sense it just made me hurt
Do you believe that time heals all wounds?
It started getting better
But it's easy not to fight when I'm not with you

I was sitting there waiting in my room for you
You were waiting for me too
And it makes me wonder

The older I get
Will I get over it?
It's been way too long for the times we missed
I didn't know then it would hurt like this but I think
The older I get
Maybe I'll get over it
It's been way too long for the times we missed
I can't believe it still hurts like this

What was I waiting for
I should've taken less and given you more
I should've weathered the storm
I need to say so bad
What were you waiting for
This could have been the best we've ever had

The older I get
Will I get over it?
It's been way too long for the times we missed
I didn't know then it would hurt like this but I think
The older I get
Maybe I'll get over it
It's been way too long for the times we missed
I can't believe it still hurts like this
Hurts like this

I'm just getting older
I'm not getting over you I'm trying to
I wish it didn't hurt like this
It's been way too long for the times we missed
I can't believe it still hurts like this


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